“Our mission is to make SmartRail ecosystem a world leader in rail business and multi-disciplinary mobility systems research measured by relevant societal, technical and economical impact and international indicators.”
SmartRail Ecosystem
In 2017 Škoda Transtech started discussions with different stakeholders in order to initiate a co-operative future smart tram ecosystem. The goal was to move from traditional engineering and manufacturing towards all-encompassing service and business ecosystem (Rail-as-a-Service) that is able to provide a technologically superior tram as well as digital, integrated services for its whole lifecycle. Besides the benefits to its own development, Škoda Transtech saw the ecosystem approach, combining the expertise coming from industry as well as from research and public sectors, to be a great asset in increasing the competitiveness of SmartRail ecosystem partners in national as well as in international business.

Shared Value Creation
Leads to Success
The first innovation phase and projects in SmartTram (as it was named in the beginning) were launched with support from Business Finland in early 2019, involving Škoda Transtech, Mevea, Mipro, 3D Talo, Tampere Tramway, Business Tampere, the City of Tampere, Helsinki City Transport, the Kajaani University of Applied Sciences, the Lappeenranta-Lahti University of Technology and VTT. In this first phase, the ecosystem focuses on tram automation solutions and information systems, on simulations supporting design and modelling, and on ecosystem-based business operations.
"It is an open and growing ecosystem and talks and plans on co-operation have been held with numerous parties and new member candidates are welcome."
SmartRail ecosystem's first innovation phase began at the beginning of 2019 with emphasis on automation, simulation as well as ecosystem ground rules and business models.
The second innovation phase started in February 2020 and brought a new group of player expanding the ecosystem: Creanex, DA-Group, EC-Engineering, Lumikko, Tamware, Tampere University and Traficom. Its principal themes will be anticipatory situational awareness, user-oriented solutions and effectiveness.
The third innovation phase, concentrating on transport and mobility services linked to trams, is intended to be launched later in 2022.